About Bakson’s Kof Aid Tablets
For Dry,
Productive, Allergic, Wheezing Cough, Throat Pain,Dryness
Uses of Baksons Kof
Aid Tablets
Soothes throat and aids expectoration.
For dry, spasmodic, allergic, congestive cough
of Bronchitis
Checks associated symptoms of headache,
Rhinitis and high body temperature
Composition of Kof
Aid Tablets
Bryonia alba 3x
Ipecacuanha 3x
Antimonium tart. 6x
Phosphorus 6x
Droserarotun difolia
Justicia adhatoda 2x
Doses of Bakson Kof
Aid Tablets
1 tablet, 4 times a day for adults
1 tablet, 2 to 3 times a day for children or as
prescribed by the physician
Side effects: There are no known Side-effects
- Stock: 145
- Packsize: 75tab