What is the homeopathic preventive medicine for dengue?
in India is a roller coasters ride of varied seasons that brings with them a
lot of viral infections and fevers. One such viral fever is Dengue. Dengue
fever is caused due to mosquito bites that result in a decrement in blood
platelets, low energy, higher body temperature, body aches, and more. The
condition if not treated on time and with ultimate care can also lead to the
death of the diseased person. And to neglect such a scenario, for precautionary
measures DR. Reckeweg R88 (Devirol) can be the right homeopathic medicine for
to November is the time that is filled with most of the major festivities in
India. And this exact time is when mosquitoes are on their tour to the country.
Resulting in more chances of mosquito bites and more cases of dengue by the end
of the festive season. In such a situation, medication like DR. Reckeweg R88(Devirol) comes handy and is quite affordable. You can easily find it at any
nearby pharmacy or homeopathic clinic near you. Just be sure that before you
intake the medicine, you consult a physician for a better understanding of your
condition and diet to be taken while suffering from dengue.
just that, a person suffering from dengue can be seen bedridden even after
there is no fever from the past few days. And that is probably because of the
dropped amount of platelets in the body. It might take days and even weeks to
get back to a normal routine with nobody ache or nausea at all. DR. ReckewegR88 (Devirol) can be great in these cases as it helps in building the body
immunity against dengue and also locks energy so that you recover as soon as
How DR. Reckeweg R88 (Devirol) Works?
DR. Reckeweg R88 helps in boosting your immune system very strongly, leaving
medicine in your body that fights and acts when an outer virus enters your body.
The traces of this medicine helps find the intruders and killing them on the
spot that eventually leads to minimizing the dengue effect.
The formula used in the making of this medicine is children friendly, hence can be
given to kids who hate allopathic medicine because of their bitterness. If the
infant of a year old or two can be given this medication externally, i.e., by
rubbing the drops on the navel of the kid.
to do to be Safe from Dengue
deadly fever can be neglected with a few simple steps that we have listed
- Avoid
collecting water in plant pots, pits, unused tires, coolers, or other such
places and objects.
- If you are
still using a cooler to beat the heat, then be sure that you change the
water every alternate day and also pour a cap full of kerosene oil in the
- Ignore the
intake of food and beverage that tends to have cooler density.
- Start having food that helps in building a healthier immune system.
- Do not take
untimely baths or sleep with a wet scalp at any cost.
- Try to use
mosquito repellent creams or lotions before going to bed and use liquids that help kill the mosquito.
these tiny steps can help you stay at a safe distance from the dengue
mosquitoes. Rest, don’t freak out, and visit your nearest physician to get the
best advice.