What is the homeopathic medicine for viral fever?


Festivities are knocking on our doors and so does the change in the season and weather. Where the former change brings joy with them, the latter brings tension and stress. The change in season affects our body a lot and those with weaker immunity or so- are tend to get a viral fever during this time. Now, keeping the current pandemic scenario in mind, a normal fever or cough makes us suspicious of the ferocious CORONA virus. To fight that stress and fear back, HaslabDrox 27 Chloramphenicol Drop is a known homeopathic remedy.

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Why is Viral Fever such a Terrifying thing?


Fever is a very common infection that occurs to someone who is exposed to cold weather or rain and has not taken care of himself, afterward. Mild fever is never terrifying and is pretty easy to get rid of by just a day or two of bed rest. But, the same cannot be said about viral fever and that is simply because viral fever often occurs when the weather changes. Along with the change in weather our body also starts to adapt to the new environment around, making it difficult for us to treat the viral in a quick manner.


In such situations, treating the fever with medicines that not only cure the cause but also keep other body parts strong and free from any sort of pain or ill-treatment, Haslab Drox 27 Chloramphenicol Drops are the best remedy.

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Why Haslab Drox 27 Chloramphenicol Drop for Viral Fever?


Well, Drox is a natural healer for viral fever in the homeopathic range of medicines. Haslab Drox 27 Chloramphenicol Drop helps in treating the viral fever very efficiently and it is one of those medications that is produced by an Indian lab, namely- Hanemann Scientific Laboratory. The medicine is genuine, authentic, and is a pure homeopathic medicine that indicates chronic relapsing viral fever that might occur under typhoid infection, prostatitis, ulcerative colitis, anemia, fatigue, exhaustiveness, and more.


Haslab Drox 27 Chloramphenicol Drop is a proven medicine for all the above-mentioned diseases or disorders. And being a homeopathic medicine, this comes with zero side effects and 100% proven results if taken in a proper dosage. The dosage of this medicine entirely depends on your condition and should always be taken under the guidance of your physician. So, before you take this or any other medicine, do visit your physician and ask him/her for the right amount of dosage so that it does not affect you adversely.

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General Care Tips


While fever is not a worrisome infection, viral fever is. And just so that your condition does not becomes worse, here are a few care tips to keep yourself sane and safe during weather change-


  • Try and avoid ice creams, cold drinks, or anything of cold intensity during weather change to avoid coughing, sneezing, and eventually fever.
  • Keep your surroundings clean and free from moisture to avoid mosquitoes and other insects that might bite you and make you fall sick.
  • Start drinking normal or tap water and if possible, drink boiled water or some lukewarm water to keep your throat feel warm.
  • Don’t bundle up your work as it might leave you exhausted and a bad schedule with no proper meal-time, nap-time, etc. would surely fall you sick.
  • Before the main festivals knock on the doors, try and start preparing for the same in advance. So that you do not bundle up a lot of cleaning and shopping a few days before the festival.

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All these tiny steps can help you in not getting strained and falling low on energy and would eventually keep your body at a normal pace. So, this year be festive ready with taking care of your body first and then other things around.