Homoeopathy for dental care
Dental caries just means decay or rotation of the teeth. INTRODUCTION. It is a result of the progressive degradation of enamel, dentine, and cement caused by the microbial activity on the tooth surface. The Latin word caries means decay or deterioration.
- usually children under the age of 12.
- Sex–women are more vulnerable
Caries of teeth after abuse of mercury with drawing pain in the jaws and copious salivation.
Rapid caries, toothache in the decayed tooth before menses or from cold. Toothache worse when thinking about it.
Dental caries is premature in children. caries of teeth and upper jaw.
Rapid caries of teeth, violent pain at the root of the right eye tooth with the frequent discharge of pus. Mouth and teeth coated with the mucous morning.
Rampant caries with periodontitis, spongy and bleeding gums. Rapid caries as soon as the teeth erupt. tooth shows dark spots, begins to decay. premature greying of milk teeth aching and pain in diseased teeth. Bad odor from decayed teeth.
Crown of teeth except for incisors decay, teeth feel elongated. toothache in decayed teeth. Drawing stinging pain in the whole side of face extending to ears.
Caries at roots and sides of teeth while crown remains sound. Rapid caries, sensation as if even the healthy teeth are plucked out of the socket. Teeth decay on sides above the gums.
Rapid caries in chlorosis, teeth black, and crumbling cavitation submaxillary glands swollen necrosis of teeth. Tearing pain shooting to ears. Teeth decay early in children; cannot be kept clean.
Rapid caries, drawing pain in upper molars extending to ears decay of teeth in chlorosis. Taste salty, putrid. Pain in teeth from 6 pm till midnight; worse on lying.
Teeth decay at gum; edges serrated, dwarfed. Tongue coated, teeth-indented; deep longitudinal cracks. Ulcers are smart and burn. Excessive flow of saliva; it runs out of mouth when sleeping.