What is a burn?

Burns are usually caused by dry heat, friction or chemicals. 

What is a scald?

Scalds are caused by moist heat that is from hot liquids or steam.


  • Immediate shock 
  • Blister formation  
  • Stinging sensation 
  • Redness 
  • Swelling 
  • Itching 

Management and Treatment  

  1. Avoid touching the wound. 
  2. Hold the affected area under cold, running water for up to ten minutes to reduce the pain and swelling. 
  3. Cover the burnt area with plastic wrap or a sterile burn dressing if available. 
  4. If the burnt area is larger than the palm of a hand, seek medical help immediately. 
  5. Never burst a blister. 

Homoeopathic Treatment for Burns 

I am mentioning some homoeopathic medicines which are very helpful in cases of burns and help in managing the pain. 

  1. Aconite Napellus – should be given immediately to the patient to counteract the shock or reaction of the patient towards the accident. It is also useful in cases where there is dry burning heat of skin.
  2. Arnica Montana – indicated in cases of much pain and tenderness, resulting after severe, deep burns.
  3. Cantharis Vesicatoria– should be taken when there is superficial ulcer formation due to burns associated with lancinating and burning pains. 
  4. Urtica urens – burns involving only skin associated with much itching and burning sensation. 
  5. Rhus Toxicodendron – indicated in cases after burns or scald vesicles. 
  6. Arsenic Album – this medicine is indicated in all cases of burns as long as there is pain present. Also given for Gangrenous tendencies in vesicles and septic changes. 
  7. Asafoetida – indicated for ulceration from burns or scalds. 
  8. Calendula Officinalis – slows down the process and prevents gangrene. Also given in cases to prevent exhaustion from loss of fluid from the body. 
  9. Carbo Vegetabilis – indicated in bleeding ulcers, so much pain is present that the patient feels that his life is going to end. Extensive deep burns. Humid gangrene with foul smell of secretions along with great weakness. 

There are some OTC medicines available in the market for burns, I am mentioning them as well. 

Note: In case your symptoms are not relieved by these medicines, you are suggested to visit your nearest homoeopathic doctor to get the proper treatment.