20 Aug

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Dr. Reckeweg's R89 Lipocol - Hair care Drops
Are you also suffring from-
- Excessive hair fall.
- Alopecia
- Male pattern baldness
- Premature greying of hair, etc.
- Hair fall hai become a common problem in today's world, every other person is suffring from hair loss which also has become a reason for constant stress in our day to day lives.
- Females suffer from hair loss more than males due to frequent use of chemical stying and heated treatments.
- Everyone loses some hari every day. According to researchers, a person can lose upto 100 hair per day.
Causes of hair fall
- Stress
- Improper nutrition especially Iron deficiency
- Low amount of Protein in diet.
- Diseases like PCOS, Thyroid Disorder, Seasonal flu, Typhoid etc.
- Side effects of some medicine
- Harmonal disturbances
- Hereditary factor
- Emotional or Physical Shock
- Oral contraceptive pulls.
- Smoking
- Chemical and heat treatment etc
Symptoms of Hair fall
- Thinning of hair
- Brittle hair, which berak off easily
- Hair falling out in patches or clumps.
Management and Treatment
- Proper balanced diet with good sources of Iron, proteins, vitamins and minerals
- Good water intake
- Rest and Sleep of 7-8 hours
- If possible, try to control the amount of stress.
- Homoeopathic medicine
Homoeopathy has very good results in treating the problems of hair fall, premature greying of hair, thinning of hair, weak and lusture less hair.
One such special homoeopathic formulation is Dr. Reckeweg's R89 drop, curated especially for all the hair related problems.
In What case, Dr. Reckeweg's drops are indicated?
- Baldness
- Alopecia
- Weak hair
- Premature greying of hair
- Hair fall due to hormonal disturbances
- It also acts as a blood purifier thus removing toxins from blood.
Key Ingreadients present in R89 drops:
- Alfa Alfa
- Lactuca Sativa
- Lecithinum
- Oenothera Biennis
- Hypophysis Plant
- Juglans
- Kalium Phosphoricum
- Testes
All there medicine-
Quantity of Medicine: 20-30 drops mixed 1/4th cup of water
How many times should medicine be taken: 3 times in a day
When to take the medicine: After meals
- Aids in purification of blood by removing toxins from blood.
- Helps in reducing baldness, symptoms of alopecia areata(pacthy caldness), premature greying of hair.
- Helps in hair strengthning.
- Regains the lost lusture and volume of hair
- Increase the growth of hair.
- Kalium Phosphoricum is well-known tissue salt for hair restoration, it acts like natural biotin.
Why should you take Dr. Reckeweg's R89 drops?
R89 drops have proves to be very efficacious in maintaining the health of your hair.
Not only hair, but this medicine is alse enriched with essential fatty acids which counteract the actions of toxic agents causing hair loss and therefore act as a good blood purifier to.
How to use Dr. Reckeweg's R89 drop?
Local Application
Massage Dr. Reckeweg's R89 drops once in a day on bald areas for 5 minutes vigorously.
Note:Even after taking this medicine, your symptoms persit, you are suggested to visit your nearest homoeopathic doctor so that you can have proper consultation along with the right constitutional medicine for your problems.
Q1. I am a female aged 26 years, can I take R89 drops for my hair thinning and hair fall problems?
- A. Yes, you can take Dr, Reckeweg's R89 drops for your problems, it'll definitely help you.
Q2. I am a male aged 32 years, recently I have noticed that my hairline is reaceding, can I take these R89 drops for my Problem?
- A. Yes, you should start taking medicine both internally and start using the same medicine externally by massaging into the bald area.
Q3. Can R41 drop be taken along allopathic medicine?
- Yes you can take Dr. Reckeweg's R89 drops with allopathic medicine, but make sure that there os a minimum gap of atleast 45 to 60 miniutes between the two medicine.
Q4. I am taking Homoeopathic medicine for PCOD, can i take this medicine along with my other medicine?
- You should not take any other medicine, if you are already talking homoeopathic treatement, trust your doctor and homoeopathic system of medicine, you'll get results with your ongoing treatment.
- But you can ask tour doctor, if your doctor allows it then you can take this medicine.
Q5. Is there any other medicine that i should take along with Dr. Reckeweg's R89 drops to get speedy results?
- A. Is there is any associated skin disease then you can take R21 and R23
- if anaemia is associated then R31 is recommended along with this medicine.
Q6. Are there any dietary restrictions while taking R89 drops?
- A. There are no such dietary restrictions but make sure that you dont't have any smell or taste in your mouth while taking this medicine.
Q7. Are there any dietary restrictions while taking R89 drops?
- A. there are no such dietary restrictions but make sure that you don't have any smell or taste in mouth while taking the medicine.
- Avoid eating or drinking anything for at least 15 minutes after taking medicine, water is allowed.
- Make sure you eat a proper well-balanced diet, and consume appropriate amounts of fruits, vegetables and all the vitamins and minerals in your diet.