Most of us have heard that if you have kidney stones, and you want to start homoeopathic treatment, then start taking berberis vulgaris. 

But today I am going to tell you more details about this medicine. It is not only indicated for kidney stones but has much more actions to it. 


General introduction: 

Berberis, commonly known as Barberry, its medicine is usually made from the root bark. 

Berberis Vulgaris has marked action on the following organs -  

  • Liver 

  • Gall bladder 

  • Spleen  

  • Urinary organs 

Constitution of a Berberis patient: 

  • Indicated in people with old gouty constitutions – that means people suffering from gout and arthritic complaints since long. 

  • It is a very useful remedy for fleshy people with good liver but with weak tolerance. 

  • Indicated in patients who are tired not only physically but mentally too. Men and women who have become old and tired prematurely. 

Mental symptoms: 

  • Patients are usually calm but of careless nature. 

  • Sad kind of people who want to weep, and don't like to talk much. 

  • Fearful and anxious. 

  • Any task involving mental labor is done with difficulty and leaves them tired. 



  • Headache in the frontal area. 

  • There is a sensation as if a tight cap is pressing the whole scalp. 

  • Vertigo associated with attacks of fainting. 

  • Sensation as if the size of head is increasing, as if there is swelling in head. 

  • Confusion and heaviness of head. 



  • Sunken eyes, with bluish or greyish circles around them. 

  • Dryness, burning and itching sensation in the eyes. 

  • Sharp pains in the balls and eyelids. 



  • Shooting pains in the ears, there is tearing pain in the auricle, gouty concretions. 



  • Dryness in the nose. 

  • Crawling itching in nose. 



  • Pale, sickly and dirty looking face. 

  • Dryness of the lips. 

  • Pains in the cheekbones and jaws. 

  • Sensitive teeth, acute drawing pains in the teeth. 

  • Bleeding gums. 



  • Decreased saliva, frothy saliva, saliva like cotton. 

  • Painful whitish eruptions on the back of the tongue. 



  • Tonsils and pharynx get inflamed, there is fiery redness. 

  • Sensation as if a lump is lodged in the side of the throat. 



  • Nausea before breakfast and dinner. 

  • Sticking Pain in the gastric region. 

  • Vomits only fluids. 



  • Stitches in the region of gall bladder, pain increases by applying pressure, this pain extends to the stomach. 

  • Gall bladder calculi. 

  • There is violent burning under the skin of the left side of the abdomen. 

  • There is a sensation as if hernia wants to come out from the groins, this sensation is increased while walking or when standing. 

  • Varicose veins in the groin area. 


Stool and Anus: 

  • Stools can be both hard like sheep dung or soft and easy. 

  • Constant urging for stools. 

  • Fistula in anus with itching and tearing sensation. 


Urinary System: 

  • There is a Sensation as if some urine is left behind after urinating. 

  • Urine consists of thick mucus and bright red mealy sediment. 

  • Tearing pains in the region of kidneys, which get aggravated while sitting or lying down and are better on standing. 

  • Frequently occurring crampy, contractive pain in the bladder, when the bladder is full or empty. 

  • Burning pain in urethra while urinating which remains afterwards also. 

  • These pains extend to thighs or loins while urinating. 


Male Sexual System: 

  • Sensation of weakness and not able to feel the penis, there are burning pains in the penis 

  • Smarting, burning, drawing or squeezing pains in the spermatic cords which extends to testes. 

  • Most of the symptoms of genital region are increased by movement. 

  • There is a sensation as if there is so much weakness after the coition 

  • Decreased sexual desire, premature ejaculation during coition. 


Female Sexual System: 

  • Contracted feeling in vagina. It is painful and sore and has a burning sensation. 

  • Decreased sexual desire, pain during coition. 

  • Decreased menses with grey mucus and pain in the region of kidneys. 

  • Leucorrhea which is greyish in color associated with painful urinary symptoms. 


Respiratory System: 

  • There is a polyp of vocal cord. 

  • Glands of the neck are inflamed. 

  • There is a hoarseness of voice. 

  • Shooting pains in the centre of the chest, especially at night, are increased while deep breathing and with dry short cough. 


Neck and back: 

  • The patient suffers from acute rheumatic pains in the nape of neck and between the shoulder blades which are increased by breathing. 

  • Pustules on the nape of neck and back. 

  • Pain in the small of the back which is aggravated in the morning and while sitting and lying down. 



  • There is Rheumatic, paralytic pain in shoulders, arms, hands and fingers, associated with swelling of finger joints. 

  • Pain in balls of feet while stepping. 

  • Excessive tiredness and lameness of legs even after walking a short distance. 

  • Neuralgic Pain under the finger-nails. 



  • Flat warts on skin, which are small in size. 

  • Skin is itchy and has a burning sensation which is better by cold applications. 

  • Small pustules are present over the whole body. 



  • During fever, there is a cold sensation in various parts as if cold water has been spattered on the parts. 

  • Dry mouth with thirst especially in the afternoon. 

  • Sweats easily even after least exertion.  



  • Sleep is disturbed most of the time due to itching and burning of skin or due to anxious, voluptuous dreams. 

  • Unrefreshing sleep, frequent waking during sleep. 

  • Patients usually wake in the morning between two and four o’ clock, without being able to sleep again. 

  • Restless during sleep. 


So, this was Berberis Vulgaris in details, dosage and how to take medicine, I am mentioning below. 


How to take Berberis Vulgaris in cases of Renal Stones: 

  • 15-20 drops of tincture mixed with half a cup of water should be taken two to three times in a day. 

  • Medicine should not be taken during pregnancy as it might cause uterine contractions (please take this medicine during pregnancy only after consulting your homoeopathic doctor) 

  • In other problems like rheumatic pains, gout, spleen affections etc., take medicine in 30 or 200 potencies. 


Caution: Please do not just rely only on medicines for your treatment. 

  • Following a proper well-balanced diet, management of diet with correct food items along with correct water intake is very much necessary. 

(Also, in cases of renal stones, avoid eating – Brinjal, Tomatoes, Ladyfinger, Guava, Spinach etc.) 

Note: If symptoms persist even after taking the medicines, you are suggested to visit your nearest homoeopathic doctor for proper consultation. 
