Ayurvedic Treatment for Bronchial Asthma

Bronchial Asthma - Tamaka Swasa

Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath may be simply termed as Swasa (Asthma). It may be primary - originating from the respiratory system, secondary - originating from other systems of the body but the impact is on the respiratory system.

Bronchial Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airway. It leads to recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, tightness of the chest, and cough particularly at night or early morning. As per Ayurveda, Swasa is mainly caused by the Vata and Kapha doshas. Swasa is broadly classified into five types in Mahaswasa (Dyspnoea major), Urdhawaswasa ( Expiratory Dyspnoea), Chinna swasa (Chyne- stoke respiration), Kshudra swasa ( Dyspnoea minor), Tamaka swasa (Bronchial Asthma).


As per Ayurveda, the causes of Tamaka Swasa are as follows:

  • Intake of dry, cold, heavy, incompatible food and irregular intake of food

  • Excessive Intake of black gram, beans, sesame, the meat of aquatic animals.

  • Intake of cold water and exposure to cold climate

  • Exposure to dust, smoke, and wind

  • Excessive exercise, overindulge in the sexual activity

  • Trauma to throat, chest, and vital organs.

  • Suppression of natural urges.

Treatment modalities in Ayurveda

As per the Ayurveda Bronchial Asthma is Vata Kaphaja disease, it begins in the stomach, progresses to the lungs and bronchi. Hence the aim of treatment is to move the excess Kapha back to the stomach and then eliminate it. For this purpose following methods are adopted.

  • Swedana (Sudation)

  • Vamana (Therapeutic emesis)

  • Virechana (Therapeutic purgation)

These procedures will be followed as per the need of the individual patients. The practice of Pranayama, laxatives, a light diet at night, and the use of warm water will help in the treatment of Asthma.


Some of the Useful Ayurvedic drugs for Asthma

  • Talisadi Churna or Sitopaladi churna: 1 to 3 gms to be taken twice a day with honey

  • Somalata churna: 1 to 3 gms to be taken twice a day with honey 

  • Kanakasava: 5 to 10 ml with equal quantity of Luke warm water after food 

  • Shringyadi churna: 1 to 3 gms to be taken twice a day with honey  

  • Trikatu churna: 1to 2 gms with honey

  • Vasavalehyam: 12 to 24 gms twice daily 

  • Kantakaryavalehyam : 12 to 24 gms twice daily 

  • Vyaghriharitaki Avaleha: 12 to 24 gms twice daily 

  •  Agastya Haritaki Avaleha: 12 to 24 gms twice daily

  • Lavangadi Vati: 1 tablet for chewing 3 times a day  Swasakutara ras: 125 to 250 mg twice daily  Mahalakshmivilas ras: 125 to 250 mg twice daily

Reference taken from http://www.ccras.nic.in/sites/default/files/viewpdf/IEC_Communication/Bronchial%20Asthma.pdf